Updating Controller Firmware

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Updating Controller Firmware

To update the firmware on your controller(s), the following is required:


HID's Discovery GUI Utility - (https://www.hidglobal.com/drivers/15654)

The latest firmware for the controller type

V1000 version - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1losdc7deTK68VCWViX-wqhGIiWY2dSBz

V2000 version - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1cWjFGLmsMAH3AhP7vNbIWJOjl0xOCtGH

EH400 version - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Y4uJJL57Pkz0nHfLvchHEanSir_F2Kwb

Access to a computer on the same network as the controller(s).


NOTE:  This is for EVO based controllers only.  When trying to update non-EVO controller (legacy), please contact your dealer or support staff for assistance.  Updating a non-EVO controller using this method may result of catastrophic failure.


Step 1:

Download, install and open the HID Discovery Utility.


Step 2:

Download the required firmware version for the controller type being updated.  Save to a local location (not a network location).


Step 3:

Verify SSH is enabled on the controller.  To do this, log onto the controller and go to the Advanced Network Setup section.


Step 4:

Browse and select the Update Package (firmware file) in the HID Discovery Utility.



Step 5:

Select the controller to be updated from the list and click "Install"



Step 6:

When prompted for the ROOT password, enter "pass" and click OK.



Step 7:

The update process should begin.  It will take 3-4 minutes and the Status Log window will show the progress of the update.


Step 8:

As indicated in the Status Log, clicking the "Changeover" button will complete the update and reboot the controller.


Step 9:

If the controller has already been discovered into WebBrix or AccessLaunchpad, issue a "Refesh and Reboot" command from the software to sync the controller back to the system.


Click HERE to watch a video showing the entire process